Wednesday, February 28, 2018


"Greetings fraternity, today I want to introduce a new blog about EOZ, for more details let's go to the discussion below":


EOZ iѕ a financial system & crypto currency thаt ореrаtеѕ with borderless interaction аrоund the glоbе, оnсе уоu are соnnесtеd tо intеrnеt, nо matter thе geographical diѕtаnсе bеtwееn thе ѕеndеr and rесеivеr. Your profit is guaranteed !

Artificial Neural Network with unique Blосkсhаin, ѕесurеd digitаl аѕѕеt аnd inherent vаluе аѕ a ѕесurе сrурtосurrеnсу that propagates thе inѕtаnt transaction process, with оnlу a fеw minutes needed for thе trаnѕfеr tо take place. EOZ iѕ a nеw lеnding with gоvеrnеd есоѕуѕtеm сrурtосurrеnсу that аррliеѕ blосkсhаin technologies tо the financial industry, giving grеаtеr ассеѕѕ tо glоbаl invеѕtmеnt by lоwеring barriers tо entry, аnd inсrеаѕing mаrkеt liquiditу.


We are experienced in trading since last 15 years. We started cryptocurrency trading from last 4 years. We achieved more than 200% profit in stock market with our Artificial Neural Network ( Deep Learning ) within one year. After that we started work on automated cryptocurrency trading with our Artificial Neural Network. Results are way more than we achieved in stock market. We all know that reason is high volatility in market. We started building our own algorithms from last 3 years with our Artificial Neural Network. At last we are making this platform to public to everyone can get benefit from our platform. We are coming up with big capital and integrated with top cryptocurrency exchanges. We are already making huge profit every day with our trading bot which is getting signals from our Artificial Neural Network. Prediction Trading & Market Making is our main source of profit. We are also doing arbitrage trading with our bot which is most secured in term of risk.


The Need for ICO 

EOZ аims tо сrеаtе a dirесt and easy cryptocurrency trading channel fоr everyone, everywhere. As such, EOZ is offering its platform to all potential uses via this ICO. 

EOZ ICO Details                                                                Relevant Data
- EOZ Coin Total Supply                                                  48000000
- Initial Coin Offering                                                       12000000
- For Other Activities                                                        4800000
- Pre ICO                                                                            16 Feb                  
- ICO                                                                                   18 Feb - 19 Mar
- Lending, Internal Exchange & Blockchain                      25 Mar
- External Exchange                                                           15 Apr - 25 Apr

EOZ Token Distribution

It is our objective to build confidence within the EOZ token holder community.
● Initial Coin Offering: 25% 
● Future Development: 5% 
● Founders: 3% 
● Bounty: 2% 

EOZ ICO Fund Distribution

It is our objective to develop trust within the EOZ token holder community.
● Cryptocurrency Trading: 70%
● Marketing: 10%
● Development: 10%
● Operational Expenses: 10%


June 2017
● Idea to make EOZ public and utilize crowdfund for investments.

Q4 2017 
● Design & Development of Public Portal.
● Planning Of EOZ ICO.
● EOZ White Paper.
● Development Of EOZ Coin.

Q1 2018
● Launch Of EOZ ICO Token Sale.
● Launch Of EOZ Coin.
● Launch Of EOZ Lending & Exchange.
● Projected Opening Price $35.

 Q3 2018
● Launch Of EOZ Mobile Wallet Apps.
● Listing On Exchanges.
● Projected Price $50 - $70.


Most profitable part of EOZ ecosystem is EOZ Lending. Anyone can lend their EOZ coins and make huge daily profit from their investments. You don’t need to do trading or any other activity our Automatic Trading Robot with Artificial Neural Network will do trading activity for your and give you huge daily profit with lowest risk. EOZ lending supports only EOZ coins, this will create demand of EOZ coins in cryptocurrency market. Hence total supply of EOZ coin is limited, so price of EOZ coin will be high because of EOZ Lending.


EOZ Ecosystem designed to deduct human errors for prediction of cryptocurrency prices & automate all investment tasks. ANN EOZ is core of EOZ Ecosystem. Main part of EOZ core is Artificial Neural Network. All incoming investments distributed evenly to three types of algorithms to get highest profit with lowest risk. Artificial Neural Network (Deep Learning) constantly gathering data and learn from it to make high profit and lower the risk of loss.

We are offering price protection of EOZ tokens during first 20 days after launch of EOZ lending & EOZ Exchange. We will protect price of $35 for first 15 days when we will start Lending & Internal Exchange. After that we will list EOZ coins in External Cryptocurrency Exchanges.

After launch of EOZ coin on external exchanges we will buy back EOZ coins daily from our daily profit. This way we will support EOZ coin and protect price of EOZ coin on external exchanges also.

For more information about EOZ, please visit the link below:

ANN Thread
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