Wednesday, February 28, 2018


is building the first unique plant in Eurasia


The idea of this project is the construction of the first unique plant in Eurasia for the production of polymeric asphalt binder with a capacity of 150,000 tons per year by the investment of SINT's derivative financial blockchain product. An investment of $ 30 million will be aimed at building production facilities, purchasing machinery and equipment. The products produced are raw materials of road construction, waterproofing production, roof and paint products.

The demand for polymer bitumen binders is several times higher than the capacity of the plant, which will guarantee product sales and return on investment. Buying SINT every investor is guaranteed twice or more investment growth. In addition, in the case of crypto value growth to be compensated by the firm for the exchange rate the invested Fund is protected in the event of impairment. The profit growth is guaranteed for investors. An investment capitalization of 8.5% is considered after commencement of production on March 1, 2019.


Polymer bituminous binder (PBB) is a polymer composite consisting of high molecular weight oil solvent agent, polymer (rubber chip), filler included in a polymer, protonation complex and various modifiers. Quality - heat resistance, operational strength, ductility, water resistance, durability. That's raw material - rubber crumbs. Problems addressed are the utilization of rubber waste, recycling of polymer waste, modern UN production based on low-liquid oil fraction.

Derivative financial instruments or derivatives are contracts in which the parties are entitled and / or perform certain actions with respect to the underlying assets. This contract is an agreement between two parties to which they consider an obligation or acquire the right to transfer the underlying asset within a specified period at an agreed price. SINT Derivatives is a contract of sale of LLC's "Synthesis" technology products in the form of SINT's intangible assets, which include a put option for SINT repayment within an agreed timeframe at an agreed price.

The crypto economy is a socio-economic relationship in a digital society that focuses on interaction using network protocols The main direction of the crypto economy, which is part From this research, are: cryptographic (crypto-currency) tokens, digital assets; social decentralization security and crowdfunding systems; decentralized management system; self-fulfilling "smart" contract; trading market for computing resources; online trust and reputation system system; consensus algorithm and so on. Increase in authorized capital, or ICO, Early Coins Offer, how to increase capital through investment in the project (including the use of crypto currency).

A brief description of the project

This project for the production of polymer bitumen binder developed in Moscow
School of Management Skolkovo as part of a professional training program for the team
project management for monopoly development in the Russian Federation.
The project aims to diversify the city's formation economy
Kemerovo Region
The advantages of investment projects in general can be formulated as follows:

1. The high investment attractiveness of the project due to relevance, profitability and Payback period is less than 3 years.
2. The main business idea is connected to modern and actual polymer production bitumen binder.
3. Ecological components of the project: raw materials are rubber crumbs, recycled from large tires. Implementation of this project will reduce significantly accumulated environmental damage.

This project involves the construction of a large plant for the production of polymers bituminous binder with a capacity of 150,000 tons per year. The amount of investment is $ 30 million. Implementation of investment projects for the construction of the plant to Production of polymer bitumen binder can be broken down into several stages.
I stage At this stage, registration of documents for land plots is done approval has been made), coordination of design documentation and estimation (design is done). Preliminary work is done for organizing construction of industrial premises, storage tanks for UN and raw materials (duration 5 months). Phase II At this stage, construction and production of equipment is done (9 months duration).
Phase III. At this stage, we hire and train personnel, prepare equipment, issue test batches product and reach production capacity (duration 3 months). In accordance with the planned production volume of polymer bitumen binder and requirements for equipment, procurement will be done in Russia and foreign individual project technical producers.
The last shipment date for this equipment is 01/02/2019.
The last terms of equipment installation 01/03/2019.

Ekonomi proyek

The project involves crowdfunding investments in SINT derivatives, ie implemented in the form of financial instruments on the EtherEUM-blockchain platform
a bitumen-polymeric binder is produced. The first stage, the investment campaign (fundraising / ICO)), involves a period of 30 days: ICO in SINT option acquisition using US dollar (USD), bitcoin (BTC) and others crypto-currency
Cost 1 SINT = 5 USD.
The minimum amount of investment is 5 USD.
Crypto-currency is exchanged at the exchange rate taken from at that time
of the transfer From the first day of the investment campaign will be discounted, after deducting
buy SINT tokens (option).
st - 50% discount.
nd day - 50% discount.
day rd - 50% discount.
th -6 today - 40% discount.
th -13 days - 35% discount. 
- 30% off.
- 30th
- 25% off.

The total number of tokens sold for all investment companies is 13.2 million. The number of SINT, devoted to sales, for each campaign day is fixed and daily the company's investment will decrease. A total of 13,200,000 SINT will be issued, 11,000,000 SINT will be sold to ICO and
2.200.000 SINT will be submitted to the developer to pay the gift company payment to project advisors and project teams.
At the expense of the collected funds, the ICO will be the formation of the investment budget for plant construction for the production of polymer binder asphalt. The amount of investment required to implement the project is $ 30 million.
The largest share is owned by the acquisition of a parcel of land (S = 8,633 acres) required
infrastructure facilities - $ 5.1 million.
Project documentation - $ 0, 69 mln
Construction of industrial and storage facilities - $ 4.95 million. Construction of tanks for UN, tar oil, fuel oil and reagents - $ 1.34 million.

The cost of production equipment is $ 10.72 million. Acquisition of equipment - $ 2.01 million. Operating costs - $ 5.19 million. The second stage. Acquisition of land plots, plant construction, acquisition and installation of equipment, recruitment and training of personnel, production
UN number - December 2017 - February 2019.
Third phase. SINT buy back starts in March 2019 for 1.6
million USD every month Every investor has the right to choose between selling SINT or obtain the appropriate amount of bitumen binder polymer.

For investors who will not buy SINT in the first month of production, 8.5% per annum will be added for each calendar day of the month after March 1, 2019, and within 18 months.
The cost of compensation if the growth rate of assets invested at the time of redemption The date will be done at the expense of profit from the project and not lower than the cost Of course taken with at the time of redemption.

Project team

1. Director of the project and Director General of the company SINTEK - Viktor Fedorovich Gluhov, engineer of Kuzbass's distinguished forces, over ten years he directed it
Tom-Usinskaya GRES's largest power plant, under its leadership of the largest energy project sectors related to capacity building of existing production facilities and new commissioning facilities implemented
2. Chief economist of the project Tatyana Rusinova, an economist, graduates from the faculty of international management of the Federal Higher Professional Higher Education Institution TSU Education, Skolkovo Moscow School of Management, has municipal experience service and economist for more than 10 years.
3. The lawyer of the project is Mikhail Shevtsov - a lawyer, an International graduate Institute of Economics and Law, and has more than 10 years experience in the field jurisprudence.
4. Construction and technological support of the project - LLC "Siberian Company", a director - Vyacheslav Parfyonov. The company provides construction work at energy facilities at
Kemerovo Region
5. Project management and marketing - Anton Porokhin, an economist, deputy head from the marketing and management department of the branches of Novokuznetsk
State University of Kemerovo, a graduate of Skolkovo Moscow School of Management, an economist for over 14 years.
6. Urban Nikolay - a candidate for chemical scientists, chief scientist and innovator sector of the Novokuznetsk branch at the Kemerovo State University, a scientific secretary an expert council under city leadership for innovative industrial development since 2011. (Novokuznetsk)
7. Designing and supporting construction techniques - LLC "Intertekenergo", an executive director - Tsyplenkov K.M. The company "Intertehenergo" was established in 2011 and
specializes in engineering services in the field of heat and power transmission distribution.


This project is the construction of the first unique plant in Eurasia for polymer production bitumen binder with a capacity of 150,000 tons per year. The total project cost is $ 30 million. Investor participation in this project involves the purchase of SINT derivatives, which are implemented as financial instruments on the ETHEREUM blockchain platform, in turn, SINT is equipped with polymer bitumen production binder products. SINT option sales will occur within ICO. SINT's acquisition options can be implemented with the help of the US dollar, bitcoin and others
Crypto-Currency A more detailed description of the investment requirements for the SINT option is available
on the project site. Investment funds are growing twice or more. In addition, in the case of growth in value Crypto key company will compensate for the exchange difference. If there is a decline value, all funds are protected and investors are guaranteed profit growth. After the commencement of production from March 1, 2019, investment capitalization was given at 8.5%.

For more information..
Authorized by: willi domika;u=1752966
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