iCoin investing real in Diamond-international
About Icoin International
iCoin is tokenizing the most valuable commodity in the world - diamonds, symbols of eternal love, commitment and romance, as well as excellent industrial elements. The symbolic meaning is related to the historic memorial of eternal love, the name of the stone derived from the Greek word adamas, which translates to "invincible".
What is an Initail Exchange Offers (IEO) and how can I participate?
IEO is a new form of crypto financing that is increasingly popular lately. What this practice does is introduce crypto exchange into a project-fundraising effort in a more direct, centralized, and direct way. Exchanges are basically partners in the entire process of launching tokens, allowing the crypto project to raise funds directly on the exchange platform. Go to LAToken . com to participate in ICOIN IEO Instrument
Token Information
Network: Ethereum
Token type: ERC20
Total Supply: 600 mln ICOIN
Token Price: $ 1.00 USD
Accepted currency: BTC, ETH, USD
Minnimum purchase: 100 ICOIN
Soft cap: 3.5 mln ICOIN
Hard cap: 10.0 mln ICOIN iCoin
Bounty Allocation
250 000 iCoin are allocated for the Bounty campaign, which means up to 250 000$(1 icoin = 1$)!
Twitter : 30%
Facebook: 30%
Blog and Video: 15%
Signature: 10%
Telegram: 10%
LinkedIn: 5%
Advantages of iCoin
Diamond will be always has intrinsic value that is universally recognized, being a safe haven asset that is time-tested. You can buy iCoin International tokens as a hedge against the unstable crypto market.
We sell iCoin for $ 3.5 million to start operations and mine 45 carats per day, 300 days per year. Diamond results are used to grow the value of iCoin as presented in the White Paper.
Token iCoin can be easily transferred to all partners, exchange, or our platform in Ethereum. Tokens can also be easily stored and transferred between wallets that are compatible with ERC20.
verifiers and third party auditors ensure that the mining process is fully transparent both in real time and in the future. The results of our protocol timestamp display a secure cryptographic system.
ICoin holders will have full visibility of digital ownership, transactions, inventory records and mining results in an invoative manner that offers security that is not provided by traditional diamond mining.
iCoin International launch
Initial Exchange offering kickoff
Machinery acquisition
Site preparation
Workforce mobilization
River diverting
Extraction kickoff
Q1 - Q4
Return of investment
First market injection
Mining potential growth
Other mining sites identification
Continuous market injection
Other types of natural resources identification
Operations expansion
Team iCoin International

More info:
Website: https://icoin.ws/
Telegram: https://t.me/projecticoin_group
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/projecticoin
Author:willi domika
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