Quantum Hedge Fund is the best solution for investing worldwide.

Hello friends! greetings, see you again tuyanto, on this occasion I would like to provide information about companies that have been known all over the world, before we step into the company, first I will give a little picture of the company whose name is already familiar, namely Cryptocurrency company, and this company we have all seen is a big decrease in assessments in 2018-2019. Decryptocurrency has almost tripled in this year’s assessment.
And apart from that all the big technology companies all over the world will work hard, namely by releasing and developing again that is to improve and secure their transactions.
And cryptocurrency has also found that it is an application in one of the game industry companies and it can be used by OMNI UK, offering cryptocurrency payment options in the coming years, because cryptocurrency with simple, stable, and secure transactions throughout the world. And for more details, let us see which is a company that is extraordinary, the Quantum Hedge Fund company has collaborated with cryptocurrency below:
About Dana
Many digital architecture platforms that exist today in the cryptocurrency industry are very similar to international stock markets, so most of the mechanism of asset exchange between participants is identical to the traditional principle of meeting supply and demand electronically. This allows the use of manual and algorithmic methods of asset management in a relatively new environment.
This is one of the main factors that has led to the emergence of various financial institutions that are currently applying their expertise from traditional markets in managing cryptocurrency assets.
Quantum Hedge Fund was founded by a group of independent experts in algorithmic and manual asset management methods, together with recognized specialists in the field of development and administration of electronic systems with extensive experience from traditional financial markets.
The core mission of the Fund’s operations is to provide efficient investors to invest cryptocurrency assets to generate stable income.
In November, QHF analysts published analytics on the official TradingView page, which showed bearish sentiment from QHF.
In general, the price of Bitcoin reaches the target level of 6600.
During the decline in the price of Bitcoin, QHF traders actively sell Bitcoin, as evidenced by the history of operations on the account.
For a detailed overview of the asset management process on the Binance platform, watch the video.
How does it work?
We are among the first to adapt to the high volatility of the digital asset market, providing sophisticated software solutions for high-performance operations with cryptocurrency and secure asset storage. A recognized specialist team will increase the absolute value of your portfolio!
Quantum Blockchain
Most of the existing digital infrastructure and blockchain platforms that we know today use the elliptic-curve (ECC) approach to public key cryptography that functions as the backbone for security protocols and is the subject of quantum computing threats, lately also referred to as quantum dominance.

Difference From Competitors
The quantum technology ecosystem consists of three main components: Blockchain, QTM digital token and consensus mechanism. Quantum was one of the first blockchain platforms to offer quantum-resistant signatures in both consensus mechanics and token structures.
Unlike most of the other blockchain platforms that exist that use the encryption method, known as the Merkle expanded signature scheme (XMSS). A proactive position in maintaining the highest level of security is among the basic principles of the QHF team, and as evidenced by the non-standard decision to conduct two independent digital security audits. Globally integrated node networks throughout the world will ensure transaction efficiency in the network, paired with a Quantum Blockchain consensus platform mechanism that will enable achieving sufficient transaction volumes to maintain Quantum payment platforms at a competitive level. The partial confirmation approach will allow transactions to reach their destination without requiring all nodes in the network to sign it.
Quantum Security
The Quantum Blockchain platform is able to provide a high level of performance for transactions that must be carried out on a large scale, as well as provide high-speed transaction processing speeds that are needed by the global economy and which has become the norm today.
The Quantum Blockchain platform uses a coin-denominated structure and divides payments into separate streams that can be separated with other coins, ensuring high security and confidentiality throughout the digital exchange system. This platform uses distinctive cryptography, is resistant to attacks carried out even by using the power of quantum computing, thereby avoiding the fundamental security weaknesses of modern cryptographic tools. Also, financial transactions with QTM tokens can be carried out efficiently without leakage of metadata.
Detailed descriptions of the Quantum Blockchain platform will be published in a technical document that will be completed and released by the Quantum development team in Q4 2020. Mobile applications for the iOS and Android platforms will be available in Q4 2020 and will allow the first users to interact with the ecosystem and test the functionality of the Quantum platform Blockchain.
Blockchain Data Analysis

Preferred qualifications:
- Analytical mindset and quantitative analysis skills, the ability to use quantitative data and metrics to support assumptions and concepts
- Skilled Excel users, skilled users of software tools. Basic SQL knowledge with a desire to continuously improve skills
- Degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Statistics, Computer Science, Business or similar fields
- Experience using databases with large-scale data sets
- Knowledge of other European languages is a plus
Data analysis
Preferred qualifications:
- Work towards a degree in Finance, Accounting, Business and / or similar disciplines that focus on analytics
- Analytical acuity and advanced communication skills. Confidently work with large databases.
- Experience in Excel (ie basic functions, number, if, pivot, search)
- Experience in conducting financial and ad hoc analysis using Excel
- Solid experience shows problem solving and root cause analysis
- Proven ability to develop new ideas and solutions
- The ability to meet tight deadlines, prioritize workloads, and achieve effective results in a dynamic and fast environment
- Convincing communication and presentation skills
- Experience working with large-scale data mining and reporting tools (eg SQL, MSAccess, Essbase and / or Cognos)
Financial Model Designer

The main responsibilities in this role are as follows:
- Look for new prospects through internet resources such as LinkedIn
- The ability to identify major trends through market analysis
- Arrange and hold meetings for Business Development Managers, if needed
- Help the team to ensure the targets are met and improvement opportunities are realized
- Develop basic knowledge about subscription products
Ability and experience:
- Interest in economics and financial markets
- Interest in blockchain and investment trading
- It must be highly organized and able to manage many projects at once
- Must be able to work in a team
- Must enjoy and develop work in a newly started environment, given the relatively new arrangements
- Knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
Advantages of QHF
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of market data!
- More than 10 years of asset management experience!
- Exclusive technology and software solutions!
- The best risk / reward ratio!
- Agency program!
- Maximum operating transparency!
Investment strategy
The cryptocurrency market is still in an active development phase and is able to provide profit potential above 500% every year until 2023 for those who invest in digital assets. However, high profits are usually accompanied by high risks.
The Quantum Hedge Fund uses a hybrid approach towards assets management process reducing the potential risks through the high levels of capital diversification:

Challenging the performance, security and scalability issues of the current generation of blockchain technology.
Delivering additional income opportunities for the Quantum blockchain participants.
100,000,000 QTM

- 20% QTM Quantum Technologies Holding (Lock-up period – 3 years);
- 8% QTM New account registration AirDrop;
- 32% QTM Agency Program career & Investment contract activation bonus;
- 40% QTM “BUY & SELL QTM” Rounds
QTM (Stage 1) – Q1 2020
Primary Distribution
- New account registration AirDrop bonus of 100 QTM (Lock-up period is set until the token is listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges);
- Investment contract activation QTM bonus. Tokens received as the investment contract activation bonus are eligible to be sold back to the Fund (Fund’s token buyback price is set at QTM = 0.1 USDT) Number of tokens accrued to the investor is based on the investment contract duration.
- QTM distribution among the Fund’s active agents in accordance with QHF Agency Program terms & conditions.
QTM (Stage 2) – Q3 2020
“BUY & SELL QTM” Rounds
- QTM distribution among the Fund’s active agents in accordance with QHF Agency Program terms.
- QTM bonuses credited for the Investment contract activation become unavailable from the moment QTM token implementation goes into the second stage.
- QHF will conduct 20 “BUY & SELL QTM” rounds

QTM (Stage 3) – Q4 2020
QTM Token listing on major cryptocurrency exchanges
- Official Quantum Blockchain platform launch.
- QTM Token listing on major cryptocurrency exchanges (Listing applications to be issued during Q4 2020: Binance, Bitfinex, Huobi, OKEx, KuCoin, CEX)
- Lock-up removal for all the QTM tokens distributed among investors and agents.
Application of the latest technological trends to maximize the efficiency of our asset management solutions, a strong proactive position with regard to our security protocols and risk-management policies, as well as maintaining stable performance, high results and maximum transparency with our clients remain within the scope of our core priorities for the further successful growth of Quantum community!
Hoja de ruta QHF
Q3 2018
Versi Alpha
- Persiapan White Paper QHF v1;
- Pengujian perangkat lunak dalam lingkungan yang disimulasikan: Info Focus, CRM Universal, Impulse Trade, Quantum Flux;
- Persiapan kekuatan hukum dan teknis untuk operasi Dana;
- Pemilihan dan persetujuan rekanan untuk operasi dengan modal;
- Pengembangan protokol keamanan Dana;
- Pengembangan website;
- Pembentukan tim penasihat;
- Pendaftaran dan akuisisi dokumentasi hukum yang tepat sesuai dengan standar peraturan yang ada;
- Penerapan penyesuaian pada proses manajemen aset;
Q4 2018
- Peluncuran versi Alpha dari Dana;
- Peluncuran versi Alpha dari website Dana;
- Pelaksanaan seluruh protokol keamanan Dana setelah keberhasilan pengujian tekanan;
- Debugging sistem Dana berdasarkan feedback pertama yang diterima selama pengujian secara live;
- Pengembangan dari ekosistem Teknologi Quantum yang otonom;
- Memperoleh Lisensi Manajemen Aset;
- Melakukan penelitian kelayakan pasar dengan tim penasihat;
- Pembandingan dan pengujian beberapa strategi pemasaran;
- Peluncuran versi Alpha program agensi Dana;
Q1 2019
- Update strategi pemasaran Dana dan program agensi;
- Pelaksanaan mekanisme debugging transaksi;
- Update utama dan uji tekanan protokol keamanan Dana;
- Pendirian Pemegang Teknologi Quantum;
Q2 2019
- Tinjauan metodologi penahanan-kuantum setelah penelitian mendalam tentang teknologi blockchain generasi saat ini dengan tim pengembang dan ahli kriptografi pasca-kuantum;
- Memulai proses pengembangan Blockchain;
- Tahapan Definisi tanda tangan untuk digunakan dalam Quantum berbasis Blockchain;
Q3 2019
Versi Beta
- Pembaruan sistem utama dan peluncuran Dana versi Beta;
- Peluncuran versi Beta dari program agensi Dana;
- Perbaruan platform CRM;
- Definisi fungsi dan pelaksanaan QTM v1;
- Memulai pelaksanaan strategi pemasaran global: kemitraan pertama dengan agensi dan mitra internasional. Aktivasi hubungan dengan media yang relevan;
Q4 2019
- OTS dan skema tanda tangan Merkle diperluas (XMSS) didefinisikan sebagai solusi banyak tanda tangan yang optimal;
- Penelitian mendalam mengungkapkan perlunya mengembangkan QTM sebagai jaringan yang terisolasi dengan interoperabilitas dalam saluran berikutnya.
- Memulai proses pengembangan Proof-Of-Stake (POS) QTM;
Q1 2020
- Pengembangan node prototipe dengan algoritma POS dasar dan integrasi skema tanda tangan Merkle diperluas (XMSS);
- Pengujian stabilitas protokol keamanan terhadap potensi kerentanan terhadap upaya peretasan dari luar;
Q2 2020
- Pengujian jaringan dengan node yang berjalan di MacOS, Linux, Windows;
- Mengoptimalkan node C++. Komunikasi terenkripsi antar-node (Kriptografi berbasis kisi);
- Integrasi cerdas dari sertifikat elektronik, kontrak, dan perjanjian ke dalam Quantum berbasis Blockchain;
- Pembaruan QTM ke QTM v2;
Q3 2020
Pengembangan ekosistem Teknologi Quantum berdasarkan Quantum berbasis Blockchain:
- Menetapkan solusi manajemen berdasarkan protokol keamanan Quantum berbasis Blockchain;
- Layanan asuransi berdasarkan Quantum berbasis Blockchain;
- Platform interaksi sosial dan ekonomi berdasarkan Quantum berbasis Blockchain;
- Layanan mikro dan makro finansial berdasarkan Quantum berbasis Blockchain;
Q4 2020
Pengembangan ekosistem Teknologi Quantum berdasarkan Quantum berbasis Blockchain:
- Pelaksanaan dan konsolidasi frekuensi variabel untuk tanda tangan digital;
- Masukkan kemungkinan memperbarui skema tanda tangan digital dalam Quantum berbasis Blockchain (Xmss, sphincs, +future), memperbarui format alamat, mendukung berbagai fungsi campuran kriptografi (SHA2_256, SHAKE_128, SHAKE_256 dll).
- Pembaruan QTM ke QTM v3;
Q1 2021
- Pengujian Quantum berbasis Blockchain terhadap kerentanan terhadap upaya peretasan dari luar;
- Inisiasi uji peretasan publik yang dilakukan oleh pihak ketiga;
Q3 2021
- Penilaian kemungkinan digitalisasi DNA manusia dan mentransfernya ke dalam DNA Explorer Quantum berbasis Blockchain;
- Pengembangan sistem pembayaran eksklusif berdasarkan Quantum berbasis Blockchain;
- Pengembangan Ekosistem Perbankan Quantum berbasis Blockchain;
Q2 2022
Versi Gamma
- Pengujian jaringan DNA Explorer Quantum berbasis Blockchain;
- Menguji Ekosistem Bank Quantum berbasis Blockchain …
Our philosophy is that people are the most important in business. Behind every successful organization is a group of extraordinary, passionate and hardworking individuals. Every day professionals who are recognized in their fields work in strong synergy with one another to provide the possibility of one of the best investment solutions on the cryptocurrency market.

Jan Janssen

Allan Ablang

Mohamed Shoieb
Fund Adviser

Reuben Godfrey
Fund Adviser

Bruce Porter
Fund Adviser

Thomas Enechi
Fund Adviser

Ian Scarffe
Fund Adviser

Papatsos Nikitas

Nikola Lazic
For more detailed information, please visit the link below:
- Website: https://quantumfund.ai/
- White paper : https://cdn.qtmf.ai/static/partner/docs/QuantumFund-WP-v2.pdf?v=201912051559
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/qhfofficial
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/qhfofficial
- Telegram: https://t.me/qhfofficial
- Bounty Telegram: https://t.me/QHFBounty
Bitcointalk Username: willi domika
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1752966Eth address :
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